Friday, September 21, 2007

Theirs is not to reason why...

...theirs is but to do and die.

-Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson.

Powerful sentence. Powerful meaning. It seems to fit, doesn't it? I cried a little, to be honest, when I came across that sentence while listening to The Black Parade. I don't want it to fit so well. In case your wondering, the song that was on at the time was Famous Last Words...

Who here believes in a higher power?
Who here believes in the after life?
Who here believes in second chances?
Who here believes the smirk outside Forbidden Planet wasn't one of love, but of a growing ego?

I'm done sharing my beliefs, no one cares about them. I just wanna know how come Reasoning Why or Doing And Dying are suddendly the only options that most people in the fandom are giving GWay.

I believe in second chances.
I can only hope you do too.

But third and fourth might get a bit messy.
I can only hope its not truely coming to that.


Being1 said...

Dont ever stop blogging. I am listning.

ergoproxy said...

oh I believe in as many chances a person needs to get it right.
As long as they aren't hurting others in the process,
that is the problem
I think GWay has many options, I am just not sure he realizes that