Sunday, October 14, 2007

What is the Real Fan?

As opposed to a Fake Fan, I mean.

Does it make you less of a Real Fan if you're somewhat curious about your hero's life?
Does it make you more of a Real Fan if you stay ignorant and do nothing more than mindlessly buy CDs and go to shows?
Does it make you more or less of a real fan if you don't like someone, and actually have reasons? Remember ElizaGate? I do.
Why is a Real Fan so much better than any other fan?
What is a Fake Fan in the first place?

I, personally, am BAFFLED.

Please, feel free to give me answers because I'd love to know what these Real Fans really are.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

How embarassing for me...

I accidently left a comment on a blog last night.

I had two windows open, each with a blog. I put a very nasty comment on one (((It went some like "You suck and go die")) but I put it on the wrong one.


I personally thought the other blog was hilarious....

Friday, October 5, 2007

I've changed my mind.

I don't believe Loveman anymore, or at least not as much as I used to. A lot of stuff has shifted in my mind lately. I've allowed myself to, for a short time, listen to explainations of certain things.

I'll still read his blogs cause they give me an excuse to use and they're a good showing of the power that lllllooooonnnnnngggggg words have.

Mikey played last night. Good sign.
Frank wasn't himself last night. Bad sign, perhaps?

Do you like The Simpsons? I do. Ralph is my favourite.

Many bloggers are full of crap, yes. Personally, I'm a teenage girl who wishes she had half the sources that some of these bloggers claim to have at their fingertips. I have seven other bloggers on my favourites list. I too would like sources for their info. But we don't always get what we want, and it sucks. There is TWO bloggers that I believe though. Don't ask who because I won't tell you, but they just appeal to me and I don't know why.

But as for being given proof? Looks like we're just gonna have to hang on, kidda.

But was the language really neccessary? You might hurt Lovewoman's feelings. God knows you wouldn't want her writing a blog about you too....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Drugs are cut differently here in Europe.

They're stronger. Alcohol is stronger.

A pissed off and drunk loudmouth's punch is stronger.

Things are different in Europe, my man.

I'm insanely pissed off that I have to deal with MSI supporting MCR at the show I have tickets to. I'm not even sure I want to go now. If it weren't for the promise of many things with lots of ways to get my hyper from some good friends I wouldn't be going at all.

Wish me luck because I make it through MSI's set without setting something on fire, I'll have outdone myself.

You may not have noticed, but I don't like MSI. Never have. Never will. And no, I'm not one of the people who googled Lyn-Z are her and GWay got sweaty together. I've actually known about MSI for about two years.

I'm off to listen to Bullets and try convince myself that its worth it to go to the concert.

Bye bye now.