Saturday, September 8, 2007

To The End

Thats the promise of a wedding, right?

To The End.

I guess To The End doesn't mean much anymore. After all, in Famous Land, marriage is the new dating. Classy, really.

That's the great thing about a computer screen. Sarcasm means nothing. It's all just read in whatever way by whatever person. Isn't it fantastic?

I wonder what it said on the invitation. "Come one, come all, to this tragic affair" would have been quite fitting, don't you think?

I'd love to know if she's pregnant or not. When I type shotgun, you type wedding.

Come to think of it, I'd love to know if Eliza is really pregnant. What was it again? "All the while her being pregnant by another man,"

Now. Let me see, what else have I got to say?

Oh yeah. Ok, so here's the thing. The reason I made this blog was to express my opinion. Not to watch people pass me off as knowing something they don't. I've said it before, this is nothing of an insider's info thing. I'm not Love Man, I'm not Love Woman, I'm not Mayonaise and, unfortunatly, I'm not The Bleeding Chaos. I don't know a thing about his sins and I'm damned if I know a thing about hers.

She's not my style, remember?

I want to make a quick reference to the comment on my first post. Firstly, thank you for commenting. It was nice that you took the time. However, I'm not bitter about anything. I really have nothing to be bitter about. I'm just a bit vexed(Toilet paper word of the day).

Ah, I love how the other 6 and I are all so very serious. It's a sort of irony that it makes me laugh. I guess my sense of humour escapes me when I've got my tongue between my teeth trying to keep myself from typing the way I normally do. See, I activly use very popular fan sites and someone might figure me out.

Can't have that.

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